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PAEP Enrolment-Block1

작성일 : 조회수 : 27991
학교로부터 온 메일을 올립니다. 6월 21일 프리세션을 들으시는 학생분들 꼭 읽어보시고.. 궁금한 사항이 있으면 연락주시기 바랍니다. *************************************************************** This is a message for all students intending to join the University of the Arts London Pre-sessional Academic English Programme, on Monday June 21st. Enrolment for this course will be held on June 21st between 9am and 11am. Enrolment will be held at 272 High Holborn, London WC1V 7EY. Map of 272 High Holborn You must enrol in person and must arrive at 272 High Holborn Reception where staff will welcome you. The nearest tube station to High Holborn is Holborn on the Central and Piccadilly lines. PLEASE FILL OUT THE ATTACHED ENROLMENT FORM AND BRING IT ALREADY COMPLETED WITH THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS ON MONDAY JUNE 21st 1) Completed Enrolment Form (link 참고) 2) Proof of payment / receipt for your main University of the Arts London course* 3) A photocopy of your passport photo page 4) A photocopy of the UK visa stamp page of your passport** 5) Your English level certificate (IELTS/ TOEFL/ Password etc) 6) A passport sized photograph of you with your University ID Number and Name written on the back in CAPITAL LETTERS *Please note you will not be allowed to join the Programme without proof of payment so if you have not yet paid the fees please ensure you bring a bankers draft or credit card with you on June 21st. ** Please note unless you have the correct UK Visa / Entry Clearance you will not be allowed to join the Programme If you have any problems on the day regarding arriving for enrolment please call 0207 514 7261 or email language-centre@arts.ac.uk before hand. On the 21st June you will be enrolling only at High Holborn, you will find out your class timetable at enrolment classes are based on the course you will be studying at the University of the Arts London so it will not be possible to change class times so please ensure you are free to study in both the morning and afternoon. Please note while enrolment on 21st June is at High Holborn your actual classes during the course will be held at London College of Communication, Elephant and Castle. http://www.hana-edu.co.kr/PAEPEnrolmentForm.doc