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런던예술대학교 UAL아카데믹 1:1 Advisory

  • 종료

    98회 UAL입학심사회

    University of the Arts London 입학심사회 Camberwell College of Arts Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design Chelsea College of Art and Design London College of Communication London College of Fashion Wimbledon College of Art 일시: 7월 4일(일), 5일(월), 6일(화) 장소: 하나에듀케이션(강남 본사)..
  • 종료

    제97회 입학심사회

    *** 제 97회 입학심사회 일정이 변경 되었습니다 !!! *** University of the Arts London 입학심사회 Camberwell College of Arts Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design Chelsea College of Art and Design London College of Communication London College of Fashion Wimbledon College of Art 일시: 5월 26..
  • 종료

    제96회 입학심사회

    University of the Arts London 입학심사회 Camberwell College of Arts Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design Chelsea College of Art and Design London College of Communication London College of Fashion Wimbledon College of Art 일시: 4월 5일(월), 6일(화), 7일(수), 8일(목) 장소: 하나에듀케이션(..
  • 종료

    제95회 입학심사회

    University of the Arts London 입학심사회 Camberwell College of Arts Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design Chelsea College of Art and Design London College of Communication London College of Fashion Wimbledon College of Art Note: 2,3월에 있을 예정이였던 인터뷰일정이 확정 되었습니다. 조기마..
  • 종료

    제94회 UAL입학심사회

    University of the Arts London 입학심사회 Camberwell College of Arts Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design Chelsea College of Art and Design London College of Communication London College of Fashion Wimbledon College of Art 장소: 하나에듀케이션(강남 본사) 일시: 1월 5일(화),6일(수),7일(목),8..
  • 종료

    제93회 UAL입학심사회

    University of the Arts London 입학심사회 Camberwell College of Arts Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design Chelsea College of Art and Design London College of Communication London College of Fashion Wimbledon College of Art 장소: 하나에듀케이션(강남 본사) 일시: 11월 4일(수),5일(목),14일(토)..
  • 종료

    제92회 UAL입학심사회

    University of the Arts London 입학심사회 Camberwell College of Arts Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design Chelsea College of Art and Design London College of Communication London College of Fashion Wimbledon College of Art 장소: 하나에듀케이션(강남 본사) 일시: 10월 6일(화), 7일(수), 8일(목..
  • 종료

    제91회 UAL입학심사

    University of the Arts London 입학심사회 Camberwell College of Arts Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design Chelsea College of Art and Design London College of Communication London College of Fashion Wimbledon College of Art 장소: 하나에듀케이션(강남 본사) 일시: 7월 19일(일), 20일(월), 21일(..
  • 종료

    제 90회 UAL입학심사

    University of the Arts London 입학심사회 Camberwell College of Arts Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design Chelsea College of Art and Design London College of Communication London College of Fashion Wimbledon College of Art 장소: 하나에듀케이션(강남 본사) 일시: 5월 26(화), 27(수), 28(목), 2..